What is an Indie game?

In all the excitement of making a blog about my Indie game endeavours, I forgot that some of the readers may be unaware as to the meaning of an indie game. So, I thought lets define it for them using Wikipedia:

Independent video game development is the process of creating video games without the financial support of a video game publisher. While large companies can create independent games, they are typically designed by an individual or a small team of as many as ten people, depending on the complexity of the project. These games may take years to be constructed from the ground up or can be completed in a matter of days or even hours depending on complexity, participants, and design goal.
Indie video games are often grouped together with shareware, freeware and open source software. Indie developers are generally motivated by strong personal interest in the title they are working on, often a niche game that would not be produced by the mainstream. They tend to belong to some sort of community (usually Internet-based) which recognizes developers.
Driven by digital distribution, the concept of independent video game development has spawned an "indie" movement. These games often focus on innovation, and have occasionally become extremely successful.


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